Superheroes, I am fan of these heroes and villains that grace the page, screen and in this case radio waves. However could Hollywood please oh god please stop making every single one in to a second rate movie. Apart from Batman which to be fair is pretty fucking awesome. Also stop with the 3D its pointless, especially just to see a giant Seth Rogan bursting out of the screen, I will have nightmares tonight.
To the film, well it was wank to put it bluntly, when I was told Hit or Shit would be making its triumphant return this week and that we'd be watching The Green Hornet I knew a bad review was on the cards. I'm not a fan of Rogan's work at the best of times so to watch his character from Pineapple Express play Britt Reid aka The Green Hornet was quite painful and of course he wrote it because surely no other fucker would write a script for this loveable doofus to carry, right? (Judd Apatow hang your head son). It sort of had a plot, be good guys posing as bad guys so we can take over the bad guys turf and then be the ultimate good guys after beating the bad guys, thats the plot sorted. The dialogue was text book Rogan all balls, awesomes and over excited man child bollocks, Kato could barely speak English but he managed a few Roganisms throughout. So anyway Britt and Kato take on the criminal underworld which is run by a severely under used Christopher Waltz (Oscar Winner) who seems to be obsessed with being a super villain so much so he's a little bit self conscious about it, shit I know. Britt is also running the news paper his Dad owned and peddling himself as the Green Hornet on the front page everyday, that just has to lead to some kind of repercussions. It ends poorly. a car chase a shoot out and a couple of lame deaths and we're done and I'm regretting spending the points I saved on my odeon card on this pile of steaming crap.
The action sequences are ok but I think somebody got a wee bit trigger happy with the slow mo in the editing suite. Visually it looks like your average no brainer action comedy it really lacks style which is surprising considering its directed by the rather wonderful Michel Gondry, who was responsible for the beautifully crafted Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless mind, The science of sleep and many amazing music videos (you tube them now please). Considering this is a comedy it seriously lacks laughs I sniggered twice and it never induced me in to a laugh out loud style seizure. Oh yeah and Cameron Diaz is in it. (will she ever make another decent film)
In short, its a shit film starring a man who has about as much range as the shit he's starring in that has been written by himself. Also Edward Furlong looks like a crack whore or something, life has been cruel to good ol' John Connor.
3/10 you only get 3 because William Adama is a small part in you The Green Hornet......ballbag.
El Papa Diablo
P.S Magnum become a bad guy so you can be the good guy and then go fuck yourself.
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