Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Conception. Troy aka quizli from now one ok

Wow I didn't know catch me if you can 2 could be so exciting, except there was no tom hanks. Well first off if you ain't intelectual your better walking out halfway through like the couple infront did, becase you ain't understanding shit, while wondering why them people keep falling asleep when there supposed to be making a film not acting like their on heroin.

No someone is obviously good at making films here but they decided to get some wizard involved to confuse the he'll out of me, let's make a film so complex that, predators was such a great film awesome. I love leonardo di caprio, he is a great actor, the guy from rock n Rolla/bronson is amazing and then scarecrow from batman turns up, minus his mask and drugs actually everyone was probarly on his drugs when they made this maze of a film. I don't think he knew what he was doing there with lio roping him into handing over his bank account details in his dreams when he should be dreaming about weeing and waking up praying he didn't do it for real, because he be so embarrassed when his mum washed his sheets andhis bed would stink of we'd. And lio wife keeps popping up, it felt like I was watching something on the Internet that I shouldn't, and Juno also turns up, she's doing well after that baby film, I thought she sounded French at the begining bit they obviously thought that was a bad idea so made her talk nicely. Disapointed there was no black dude from matrix offerng everyone some pills.

I did get a bit paranoid halfway through watching this film, thinking Leo was trying to rap into my dreams to find out where I hid my chocolate, I know this film will have amazing reviews and it should because there is alot of intelligent people out here to understand it. I would say this is another revolver - a hard film to understand, making me wonder if I would have been better off seeing predators again, that alien scares me so much. Well I'm gonna stop talking and if you don't understand all this then you know how I felt.

I will rate this film, well maybe you should just visit me in my dreams and find out what I really think, I'll give it a 6, yeah another six, maybe would have been a 7 8 or 9 if arnie made a show after stopping offin predators


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