Tuesday, 20 July 2010


My Rating: 9/10

Christopher Nolan opens his epic, exploration of the mind thriller with impact and substance much as he did with the sublime 'THE DARK KNIGHT". Leonardo decaprio is on top form playing Mr Cobb a dream thief, in the film referred to as an extractor. He deals very well with the almost bi-polar nature of the character and provides it with real depth whilst allowing the insecurities and flaws to shine out amongst the characters brash, arrogant persona.

The support cast all provide an array of excellent roles, although it can at times be felt that Ellen Page's character is used as a vessel to explain some of the more intrinsic details of the over arching back story surrounding the art of Extraction and subsequently Inception. However my highest praise must go to both Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Tom Hardy for providing sensational performances as both Arthur and Eames. It was especially nice to see Joseph albeit for one cheesy misplaced line ('Paradox') playing a significantly different role from any he has previously.

The Action is of great quality however don't expect a non-stop gun fight as the posters may suggest, it is a great deal more controlled but has a far greater impact on the film as a whole thanks to this. The plot in itself is magnificently well crafted, with several shocking revelations and some fantastic highs and lows. My only criticism would be that due to the nature of the plot and the speed through which the story progresses, key details can occasionally get lost amongst all the excitement and tension.

It's worth noting that the direction is excellent and you'll be surprised as to how they have achieved some of the scenes containing the most mind bending of special effects. One key scene springs to mind but so as not to spoil the plot it simply is unlike anything you will have seen in a movie before. The last scene will leave you gasping and you are no doubt sure to be accompanied by the rest of the audience watching it with you, much as we were.

Something Good:

Sensational Plot, Sublime Acting, Excellent action and creative direction and effects.

Something Bad:

A few loose ends to the plot and the subsequent amount of detail to fully understand the film can be a little bit daunting.

Almost as good as:


Better Than:


Overall: An absolute must watch. FILM OF THE YEAR SO FAR!


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