Wednesday, 4 August 2010

The A-Team - The Milkybar Man

So, The A-Team... first of all it should not have been called The A-Team since it was so different to the series in the way the actors behaved and the general feel of the film was not like the series at all. So I've now got that off my chest....

The actual film is not a bad one if you watch it thinking of it as another American "lets blow everything up" kinda film. There is plenty of action which allows you to watch it without too many boring moments. The start of the film kind of sets everything in motion, lets you get a feel for the characters and get to know their story. After this you get chucked right into the main story, as expected the rather perfectly executed plan, except for some small kinks, goes tits up somehow.

The only one of the characters that i actually liked was Murdock (Sharlto Copley) due to his fantastic way of being a crazy bastard, though being a fucking genius at what he does. The best B.A. Baracus (Quinton Jackson) moments must be the flying parts since everyone knows how terrified he is of flying and in this film you get to see a few ways of getting B.A. flying against his will. I gotta admit i did laugh at those moments although since i was grossly disappointed in the actor that played B.A. since I loved the way that the real B.A. (Mr. T) played the role with his crazy jewellery and his "everyone is a Fool" attitude. I was not a big fan of Faceman (Bradley Cooper) since he was a total cocky bastard in this film, he is supposed to be a real ladies man in a charming way, not in a cocky kinda way. I almost forgot all about Hannibal (Liam Neeson)... and that pretty much sums him up.

I would recommend this film to anyone that has just under 2 hours of time to waste, beats watching paint dry, unless your paint blows up every 2 minutes for almost 2 hours! It's not a bad action film, just a bad film version of The A-Team series. It's packed with explosions and predictable plans which makes this a very easy film to watch, and if you do come out of the film confused because you didn't understand the plot then you deserve a slap and I'd be happy to help you out in that department.

Now to the whole rating dealio... this film is worth watching, not sure about paying over £6 to do so though. I'm going to have to give this one a 5/10 but if they had called it something else and done it a little different it would have got at least one more point due to the rappyness of the A-Team interpretation in the film.

The Milkybar Man is signing out, safe!

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