Wednesday, 4 August 2010

The A Team - El Papa Diablo

I do not share my fellow reviewers opinion on this film, I grew up watching the A Team in fact there is a picture of me when I was fresh from the womb in an incubator being kept company by a BA Baracus action figure that was given to me by my older brother. I sat in the cinema trying to keep an open mind but after about 5 minutes I was cringing, why you ask? Well, it all comes down to the stupid introduction to how our four heroes met, a chance meeting with BA in a desert in Mexico, Murdoch in a Mexican nuthouse, no thank you. Basically they tried to explain the reason for BA's fear of flying, why, what's the point.

So we get in to the film and we're in Iraq with the A Team, who are yet to be soldiers for hire. They get double crossed by a black ops team fronted by one of the least sinister villains ever to grace cinema, they get arrested and locked up in separate military prisons, que escape. During this period we learn that BA has been reading books about well being and spirituality and has taken an oath of none violence, what the fuck, who thought this shit up. Anyway they set out their plan to catch the bad guys and clear their names and it all ends happily ever after, except it doesn't they end up in cuffs in a police van headed to jail because escaping from prison is a federal crime.

This film didn't live up to its name, it doesn't deserve the name. Liam Neeson does fine as Hannibal a role he could play in is sleep, Sharlto Copley is perfectly cast as Howling Mad Murdoch (always my favourite character) he provides all the laughs and hogs most of the praise from me. Rampage Jackson, well, he's ok I suppose, he lacks the charisma to fill Mr.T's boots I think, plus he says fool like its back in fashion. Bradley Cooper as The Faceman, well he used to be charming and slick, in this movie he's just cocky and arrogant, he's like a metrosexual action man, sure he gets the ladies and some good action sequences but meh, he's no Dirk Benedict.

It does have some pretty good action sequences going for it but most are over the top and followed by some pretty shoddy dialogue and at times I felt as though I was watching a Mercedes advert, a boat, some fireworks and 2 Mercs that come out of nowhere., they must have paid a lot of money. And whats with Face making the plans, that makes Hannibal a pointless character and Face delivers the most famous catchphrase from the series at the end (a moment that made me pull on my left nut to stop me from tearing down the screen)Its like when a shitty wrestler steals a great wrestlers move and users it on that great wrestler So yeah The Faceman loves it when a plan comes together, tosser.

But it did squeeze a few laughs from me, mainly Murdoch and those crazy eyes and certain lines I imagine Sharlro improvised. Joe Carnahan really hasn't delivered after early promise, Narc was a well paced, well written cop thriller that got your attention from the get go but since then he has fallen a bit flat. Glad he didn't make Killing Pablo, lets just say that.

In short, Hollywood leave the 80's alone you unoriginal dicks.

Rating 4/10

Much love El Papa Diablo

P.S Magnum, I love it when a plan comes together, but this one doesn't so......go fuck yourself.

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